Category Archives: Uncategorized

Monday mint

It really is pretty amazing how much better I feel if I take the time to paint my nails.



New pop up book coming soon.

Lets get some shoes…

Actually lets MAKE some shoes would be more appropriate. So there are these Jeffrey Campbell shoes I like, however I don’t have 300 dollars to spend on (let’s be honest with ourselves) pretty ankle breakers soooooooo. I bought these kicky little knockoffs at Targét. They are a smaller platform which is much more my speed and with the help of some 97 cent for 70 nickel push pins from walmart I shall have my hearts desire in no time.

real thing = around $300
My version = base shoes $29.95 + 10 packs of pins = $39.65


One Week Obsession = Neon Puff Paint

Yeah I have a social life. Why do you ask? Coconuts+Puff Paint = Awesome

I started with wanting to make a pattern on my notebook, then made a mask on bristol board, then realized I had been saving the coconut husks from my favorite frozen dessert and went a bit crazy. I modeled them after mexican wrestling masks but some of them took on a more tribal look.

You can’t take it with you…

Scott Camplbel is a tattoo artist but he also likes to play with lasers. Money and lasers.I want to go to there!


So great!


Clients From Hell

This site is pretty funny, (Unless you are one of my clients then I think this site is deplorable and absolutely out of line!) Loose 15 min in the Train wreak that is other designer’s misfortune.

i am mai

See the world through Mai colored glasses. It’s splendid. Trust.

New Site for ZUMA Books!

In the Process of developing a new site for The Book is Testify by Colin Finlay and if your into amazing photojournalism I invite you to pick one up from the ZUMA Press Book Store.

Tis Done…

More to come…